

Sunday, January 9, 2011

SOCIETY (and wellness)

The timing for you to start working with HERBALIFE could not be better. The wellness industry is expanding rapidly, following the increasing need of people to better their health. In a society where we move less and less, and where we con-sume more and eat larger amounts of food, and especially unhealthy food filled with exc-essive amounts of carbohy-drates, HERBALIFE is experian-cing rapid growth that does not slow down due to global reces-sion.
  Over 65% of people perceive themselves as overweight, and out of these, only 37% feel that they will still be overweight five years down the track. This highlights people's insight into their health, and their under-standing and intent that their behaviour needs to change.

  HERBALIFE provides a well proven and in all ways benefic-ial system for weight control and added nutrition for all walks of life. It is an exciting time to enter this field of business. We welcome you to do the same.

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