

Sunday, January 9, 2011


HERBALIFE is the wellness company that has grown from being a one man business, operated out of the back of a car, to become one of the leading wellness organsiations in the world. Its success is a result of tiredless uncompromising research and work to develop and produce natural products designed to change lives. On this page, you can find information on the work HERBALIFE does, and how we all as individuals and as society can benefit from their dedication. You can find readings on the research they commit to, the wellness industry, the business side of the company which could involve you, as well as introductory information on the field of inner and outer nutrition. HERBALIFE is a family, and for the family. Below, you have a section from HERBALIFE's mission statement.
"To change people’s lives by providing the best business opportunity in direct selling and the best nutrition and weight management products in the world," providing  "High-quality products that combine the best of science and nature for a lifetime of good health."

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