

Monday, January 24, 2011

Dr Luigi's Tips (1)

Dr Luigi Gratton M.D., as Vice President of Medical Affairs and Education, coordinates the strategic management of Herbalife's Nutrition Advisory Board to ensure Distributors have a thorough understanding of products, ingredients and their benefits. In addition, he manages the day-to-day operations of the Medical Affairs and Education Department, assuring all Distributor and medical inquiries receive a quick and accurate response.

An extra role Dr Luigi recently acquired was as the Nutrition Expert Coach for the LA Galaxy football players, (including David Beckham), so he also advises them on their nutrition, and of course ensures their use of Herbalife products is done the correct way for their athletic performance.

And of course, as I myself have witnessed at 4 major Herbalife Asia events, Dr Luigi drives the women crazy, he is also very athletic and in the words of the fairer sex, "he is very handsome", (I modified the quote a little, as the original content was too explicit!), anyway at least once a year he will travel to Asia, (Malaysia included), to teach us all how to be healthier people.

Please enjoy some of the below images & tips shared by Dr Luigi:

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